Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Busy-ness to sicky-ness, to boredy-ness.

I was supposed to work 5 days this week, and return to school. UGH!
However Thing One and Thing Two are both sick.
Sick enough that I had to miss two days of work, I had already taken a day off telling them that 5 days is too many for me and my family. When I called work to tell them today that again, I can not make it, that again I was at the Dr.s all morning, and that now both kids are sick. I offered to fax my Dr.s notes, and imagine my surprise when my words were met with a very emotionless woman telling me that even if I have notes, my absences will still count as infractions.. OH, nice.. we will see where that goes.
In the midst of all this coughing, sneezing lovely-ness I missed my first day back to school, and it looks not too promising for me to go tomorrow due to impending snow. Awesome, starting the second semester off right, right behind that is!
I am amazed that Thing Two has only been sick 2 other times prior to this, so I shouldn't complain. She has viral croup. It is croup that occured from a virus, making it different from the re-occuring at night time kind of croup. Let me just tell you how awful it is. She sounds like death at times, it's scary, she even was struggling so baddly this morning her skin was pulling through her little ribs. My heart sunk when I saw that, both kids got dragged out the door to go camp out at the Dr's office. To which I was told that it's typical and that it may happen more in the coming days, and to take her outside in the cold when she is like that. Otherwise we have to sit and wait for the steroids to work. So sad.
Thing One has had a cold that manifested into a sinus infection. Amazingly it doesn't seem to bother her much other than the cough from it. Typically she is MISERABLE when she has any kind of cold. Maybe she is letting her sister have a turn.
So tomorrow is my snow day- I am betting on it, even if school isn't canceled chances are really good I won't be driving 30 miles in the snow and ice to go to it anyways.
Then Thursday I have to surrender my sick little babies to my Mom to watch them while I go back to that incredibly un-understanding of a place I call work.
My potentially very busy week turned into a not so busy week, and for that I will shut up and not complain and be thankful. I had hours of time with my kids returned to me, and for that I am always thankful!

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