Saturday, December 4, 2010

A scheduled blog... lol

So I made it a priority to find time to write, now some inspiration... Not too much happening this week, schedules went on as usual despite some rather irritating car issues.

Thing One is a revved up with no place to go these days, poor kid, so much like Momma. I need to find her an ongoing activity to keep her occupied. She has asked to be placed back into a dance class, and has been doing ballet skits around anyone willing to watch, maybe there is something there left to be seen... In observing how much she and I are a like I still fail to recognize the link on HOW to work with her. You would think being so a like it would be easy, but nope, I understand all she does, and have done it, but I fail to communicate effectively why things should be a certain way. Any insights here? lol

Thing Two, poor kid trying to test her boundaries, and while with Thing One there was some negotiating as we tried to find what out our boundaries were, Thing Two doesn't have a chance because now they are firmly in place. This kid also has had me in hysterics the past two days saying what sounds like F* it! She mumbles though, and that word is never used in our house so I am only left to guess she is trying to say something else. She has said it means stop, but when asked if she is trying to say bucket while we hold one up, she says yes.. Stay tuned for this one... lol

Thing Three, just like Thing One, full steam ahead! She is trying to just get up and stand, cruising the furniture and trying to get around by any means fast enough to get here and there! I can not believe she has gotten so big so quickly, despite my having made a very conscious effort to slow down and watch more as this is to be our last baby. She is also signing away as she tries to talk, Mama and Dada have been said, and signing for "Baba" and "More" have been done, can't wait to see what is next for this little observant one!