Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Potty Training 101

What an adventure. Thing One is 20 months old, and semi-potty training. By semi, I mean we haven't bought pull ups, or training pants, and we only train half the day because the other half we are running all over town. Our method- let her run around naked.. What a chore, don't get me wrong, I am so very proud of her, but it's like training a puppy, following her around with paper towel in hand. For the most part she does very well, when she has to go she runs for the potty, but other times she has little leaks we will call them. I am in search of the cotton training pants that are like really thick underwear. I am sure I will clean up less messes, she won't want to be in wet underwear and will get a better grasp on when to head over to the potty, and I won't spend a small fortune on Pull Ups or some other disposable option. Maybe one of these weeks our life will slow down, and we can devote some serious time to training. Imagine that, life slow down... Not likely.

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