Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Fall Hiking

It's that time of year, when the mornings are cool and the days are warm, not hot, just warm and sunny. The leaves start their changes, the colors, the textures, and they descend down to earth from above. It's like spring, with all the beautiful colors.

This is the time of year when we tend to do a little more hiking, more so than any other time of year. The temperature is perfect for it, and there are so many towers to explore and peaks right here in CT that you would be depriving yourself not to go for a hike and take a look at the art mother nature has provided us.

Our recent hike was up Mt. Tom. It's relatively steep in spots, not too long, and very rocky.
The Observation Tower at Mt. Tom

The tower itself has "rickety" stairs as we were told by a sweet boy whom I will guess was seven. Rickety or not, what a view!

I highly recommend this hike to anyone in decent shape!

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