So it's already been 2 days shy of a month since my last blog, I apologize to anyone actually reading these! So much has happened in the past month, I haven't been able to breathe.
SO let's start with Halloween, Thing One was a bee, and Thing Two was a strawberry in a field. We went to the Firehouse for the annual parade and contest, Thing Two won third for most original costume, I was very happy considering I sewed the stroller cover myself! We were worried that Thing One would be scared by a lot of the costumes, she has become very concerned with things like that, but she was fine and was very enthusiastic to run up to each house to get her "loot".
While we are talking about Thing One, she has recently mastered potty training, until you put underwear on her.. for that we are working on getting her to tell us she has to go so we can help. She is very independent and wants to do it all on her own.

Then there was her birthday, we had a small party for her and her kiddy friends at the YMCA. There was all kinds of gym equipment and a Bounce House, pizza, cake and a pinata of course. She had a blast! On her actual birthday we had a nice quiet family day with just the kids, Daddy, and myself. We let her open presents slowly through the day. She received a lot of My Little Pony items, which she was THRILLED about!
Thing Two has been becoming much more vocal in the recent weeks, which I hope is leading up to a first word pretty soon. She babbles Momma, and Dadda, we are just waiting for something more substantial. She has time I suppose. She is also climbing everything, pulling up onto everything, and using the couch for balance to scoot along. In no time she will be walking.

Gosh, they grow up so fast!
As for myself, school is 2/3 over and I have been doing extremely well. I am amazing myself at what I can accomplish with almost no time to study. It just goes to show if you put your mind to something, you can accomplish it... now if I could just do that with the lottery!